Heel Spurs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment at Bankstown Podiatry and Injury Clinic

Heel pain can significantly impact your daily activities, and one common cause is heel spurs. At Bankstown Podiatry and Injury Clinic, we specialise in diagnosing and treating heel spurs, helping you find relief and regain your mobility. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what heel spurs are, their underlying causes, associated symptoms, and the effective treatments offered at our clinic.

What are Heel Spurs?

Heel spurs are bony growths that develop on the underside of the heel bone, often where the plantar fascia attaches. While heel spurs themselves may not cause pain, they can lead to inflammation and irritation of surrounding tissues, resulting in discomfort.

Causes of Heel Spurs

Several factors contribute to the formation of heel spurs:

  1. Plantar Fasciitis: This condition, characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, can lead to the development of heel spurs.
  2. Strain and Overuse: Repetitive activities that place excessive stress on the feet, such as running or jumping, can contribute to the formation of spurs.
  3. Foot Structure: Flat feet or high arches can alter the distribution of weight and impact the mechanics of the foot, potentially leading to heel spurs.
  4. Age: As we age, the protective fat pad on the sole of the foot can thin, making the heel more susceptible to stress and spur formation.

Symptoms of Heel Spurs

Individuals with heel spurs may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Heel Pain: The most common symptom is a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel, especially with the first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest.
  2. Discomfort while Walking: Pain can intensify while walking or standing for extended periods.
  3. Inflammation: The affected area may appear red, swollen, or tender to touch.
  4. Radiating Pain: Discomfort might extend along the arch of the foot or to the back of the heel.

Treatment Options

At Bankstown Podiatry and Injury Clinic, our experienced podiatrist Dr Bilal Khelladi offer a range of effective treatments to alleviate heel spur-related pain:

  1. Custom Orthotics: Tailored orthotic inserts can provide proper support and cushioning to reduce pressure on the heel. Custom orthotics are one of the best treatment options for the management of heel spurs and can provide instant pain relief.
  2. Footwear Recommendations: Our experts will guide you on choosing footwear that promotes foot comfort and minimizes strain on the heel.
  3. Stretching Exercises: Specific stretches and exercises can help improve flexibility, strengthen foot muscles, and alleviate discomfort.
  4. Physical Therapy: Hands-on therapies and exercises can aid in pain management and enhance foot function.
  5. Medications: Non-prescription pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended to manage pain and inflammation.
  6. Prolotherapy: In some cases, injections can provide short-term relief by reducing inflammation around the spur.
  7. Shockwave Therapy: This non-invasive treatment uses sound waves to stimulate healing and alleviate pain.

Surgical Intervention

If conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, surgical options may be considered. Our expert podiatrist Dr Bilal Khelladi, will thoroughly evaluate your condition and recommend the most appropriate approach, which may involve removing the spur or addressing the underlying cause.

Prevention and Self-Care

To reduce the risk of heel spurs, consider these preventive measures:

  1. Supportive Footwear: Opt for shoes with proper arch support and cushioning.
  2. Gradual Activity Increase: Avoid sudden increases in physical activity to minimize strain on the feet.
  3. Maintain Healthy Weight: Excess weight can strain the feet and contribute to heel issues.
  4. Stretching Routine: Regularly perform stretches that target the calf muscles and plantar fascia.


Don’t let heel spurs hinder your mobility and enjoyment of daily life. If you’re experiencing heel pain or suspect you have heel spurs, our team at Bankstown Podiatry and Injury Clinic is here to help. Book an appointment today to receive expert care and personalised treatment options that will have you walking pain-free once again. Your foot health is our priority! Call us at (02) 9791 1790 or visit our website to schedule your consultation. Trust Bankstown Podiatry and Injury Clinic to put a spring back in your step.

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